Saturday, June 12, 2010

first read through, macpics, and haircuts.

so, it's been a while, but things are starting to get underway for Macbeth! we had our first read through last tuesday, and it went very well. it was so exciting to hear the characters come to life. we had a great time eating pizza and homemade brownies, and made our way through the entire script laughing along the way. although Macbeth isn't the happiest of plays, the cast is sure to make this a great experience. I heard someone describe the Bard In The Quad show as one of the most challenging experiences I will ever go through as an actor here at Oregon State. I also heard that it will be one of the best experiences of my life. I can't wait to continue to be challenged and grow as an actor here.

as a promotional tool, our director is making Macbeth trading cards with all of the characters, which will be passed around town. if someone collects all of the cards, (some will be harder to find than others) then they will get a discounted ticket! I think it's a great idea, and the pictures have turned out very beautifully!

during these shoots I had to wear a wig due to the fact that my hair is not very 1920's, at all. but taking them made me extremely excited to get my hair cut into a 1920's bob for the show. I think I will take my inspiration from Louise Brooks, as long as the costume designer approves of course!

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